Monday, March 27, 2006

Trying to write a paper on the MLA Style Manual

My cat wants to sit on the desk and look out the window. Should it make me nervous that, as I reached my hand down to pet her, I gently said:

"There's no really room any for you."

This disturbs me. My brain is collapsing.


tara dawn said...

I hope you don't get mad...but I'm actually laughing. Not because this is actually funny per se, but because I do this so often that it has become a language of its own for me:)
Try not to worry sweetie...your brain is not collapsing...only crying out for a release from the insanity of too much work!
Sending good, clear thoughts your way...

Jessie said...

nope, not mad. my office-mate started laughing too whan i read it to her. the laughter was good.

btw, i finished that paper--just in the nick of time. whew!