Friday, July 07, 2006

Yay! Our very first BRAND NEW car!!!

Well, today ranks up there as one of thEE most fun days this summer. Why? Because we got a NEW car!!! No, not a "new" used car, but the real deal--complete with shiny green paint and a warranty! Wow--what a strange and liberating feeling to drive something that isn't squeaking or leaking, something that will, without a doubt, get us from point A to point B without having to cross our fingers.

We were so excited that Vinny and I decided to go on a date to our "special" place. We drove all the way to Park Rapids, almost an hour away, just so we could have supper at A&W. Awwww, how romantic! :)- We didn't even have to get out of the car.

We love our new lime-green Honda Element--yes, we do!!!

Today I feel THANKFUL.


tara dawn said...

I love the new car...yay for you and V!!! So happy for you...and that shade of green is absolutely perfect!
PS - I overnighted pics to you...let me know when you get them so I won't have to kick the postman's hiney!

J*me said...
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J*me said...

whoops! Major typo caused deletion hahahaha but congrats that is awesome and now I'll have to keep my eye out for you on the road ;)

Loralee Choate said...

THat car is too cute for words. I LOVE IT!

Enjoy that brand new car smell.

Aspen said...



Don't you just LOVE IT?!?

*tee hee*

And you got the cool new green color too.... /drool.

CONGRATS! I think you'll really love it - at least I hope you love it as much as I love mine :)

Now you two are truly in your Element ;)

Amber said...

Cool. Congratulations, grown-ups.

erin said...

it was so good to see you the other night - and congrats on the car! i take it you left anu home for the inagural trip, but i'm sure she'll be taking advantage soon!

Kristine said...

It must feel really good to have a nice new vehicle
new car smell - snifffffffffff YUM
I am excited for you both - a new place to live and a new car - sounds so refreshing!

Jamie said...

Oh, man, that looks like an adventure-mo-bile! Congratulations on your shiny new car!

Colorsonmymind said...


I love the color you picked, and it looks so new and fun.

Signora B. said...

That is a cute car and I bet its great on the gasmilage too .
My brandnew Toyota 'Echo 'from 4 years ago ,now has a 100 000miles on it. But I still love it. I do like that shade of green too.

January said...

What a cool car. My first two cars were Hondas and they never let me down.

Enjoy that new car smell!

Anonymous said...


It's GREEN!!!!!

Conga-Rats to you both ... Way exciting! I'm sure it'll be well-loved and well-used. May many aventures ensue!

PS: My word verification is "w-h-a-i-r-y" ... w-hairy???

Hermine Lindsie said...

Yep, it was really brand new when you bought it - it's shining on this pic! Do you still have this car with you? Buying a brand new car to call our own is really one of the best things in life!

Hermine Lindsie said...

Yep, it was really brand new when you bought it - it's shining on this pic! Do you still have this car with you? Buying a brand new car to call our own is really one of the best things in life!