I know I shouldn't have, but I've taken the day off. I didn't mean to, it just happened. But around noon I realized there was no turning back. Doing what I felt like doing just felt so GOOD! It started out with rolling out of bed at 7:30 and going out for breakfast and coffee with my mom and brother at a local diner for old people...you know, the kind of place where coffee is only a quarter and so weak you can see through it? Old people don't notice bed-head. It was great. After that I wrote for awhile, lined up utilities for our new place, went out and bought some new paint brushes, visited a friend at the chocolate factory, went to the studio and painted for awhile, came home and, shortly after, was surprised by a familiar voice floating through the window. It was our good friend, Josh, who is temporarily home from China. We've missed him!! Anu especially. It's hard to imagine a dog so happy to see someone--but, you see, she loves him dearly....probably more than anybody (even me? well, it's a serious long-term crush anyway!). After that I ate a wonderful dinner complete with the very first fresh tomato of the season, then I blathered myself in plenty of brain rotting television...and now...a cup of coffee and some blog roll house-keeping.
Tomorrow it's back to the sweaty, dirty grind of it all. Luckily, the day's not over yet.
so happy to hear you enjoyed such a relaxing, fun day! you definitely deserved it after all your hard work...
i, on the other hand, am going crazy with too much free time. when i don't have it, i bitch...when i do have it, i bitch...maybe i'm just destined to bitch:)
i hope tomorrow is just as wonderful for you...maybe your spirit will continue to soar even back in the "daily grind"...
so much love to you dear friend,
Sounds like you needed a break. Glad you had a good day!
Sounds like a wonderful day, especially the visit with an old friend. And what, exactly, is it about the first tomato of the season? This is truly something I look forward to from the time the first tulip blooms! Hope the work is going well ...
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