Sunday, July 02, 2006

Turned on to music.

Thanks to Kristine, I've started digging around in my music collection and have found my groove again. It was hidden under a little dust and neglect. Now that I've rediscovered some of my favorites, my husband keeps losing me to a set of headphones every chance I get. Occasionally I start howling along to The Bee Gees, but uhh--dang, it feels so GOOD! It's all Kristine's fault because she offered to send me a CD--which made me want to do the same for her. So what have I been spending much too much time doing? PLAYING! I've been playing music, drawing, and painting. As a matter of fact, I'm starting to feel another chalk drawing coming on. :)

As for the rest of your suggestions...I've already decided to make a compilation and put them on a CD to listen to when I need added inspiration.

In the process, the garage somehow got packed and cleaned to top it off. Dust, dirt, endless junk--V. and I worked on it all day and, believe it or not, I still have energy to burn. feels good!

Life starts to suck when you forget to play. Thanks Kristine. :)


Deirdre said...

Oh, yeah, the Bee Gees, guilty pleasure. You can't help but sing along. It's fun to find the old stuff. I've been buying old records and remembering how easily I loved music back then. It's fun.

Kristine said...

Gosh, I am flattered to know that I helped in getting you inspired to play. Late last night I pulled out some music and made a few lists. It is hard to put together just ONE CD so you may end up with more...
Keep playing and having fun as you pack and clean and enjoy your time with V!

Jessie said...

Kristine, heehee! I ended up making 2 CD's. There's no telling if you'll like the music or not. It's hard when there's so much to choose from! I was tempted to make a THIRD disc of just fun/funky music...but I'll hold off until later. :)-

gkgirl said...

i'm so glad you remembered!