Last night I went out. Maybe I shouldn't have done that, except that a whole handful of good friends from high school were in town. We. Had. Fun.
Now my head hurts. But I love my friends. We don't see each other often, but when we do, there's an easiness that makes it feel as though we've never missed a beat.

Ok, fine...so now my head hurts. But it was definitely worth it. Last night I remembered just how good it feels to be surrounded by friends that I feel truly comfortable with. We've all known each other a long, long time and I'm glad I still have them in my life--because they've grown up to be some ridiculously incredible people.
Yes, it's true--I love my friends--very, very much.
Friends are extrememly important. I am really glad that you got to see them all, even if your head does hurt today! Feel better
Glad you had fun last night! You have been working hard to prepare for your move. You needed a good time and after all, friends are so special and important!
LOL You look like you are really hurting Jessie. See what we do for love?
Bloody Mary with a hint of vodka :)
hi.. i just found myself at your blog tonight through various links and wanted to say that i love so many of your posts! i really found myself nodding in agreement and a level of connection about your attempts to counteract negative energy with the positive...the tension of schedules...intentions for reading... even the quotes you shared by sabrina ward harrison and natalie goldberg were so great to be brought back to again. im excited to have found your blog and to read it a lot more often!
2 days! yikes. the whole month slipped by me. i'm glad you're hanging in there and getting to see friends - hope the move goes smoothly!
I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs. I have seen a photograph of yours that I find interesting and would like to request permission to include it in this book. If you think this is something you might be interested in please send me an email at hannah@wefeelfine.org and I will send along more details about the project. Hope to talk to you soon!
Note: In order to locate your image later it would be much appreciated if you would include a link to this blog in your response. Thanks again!!
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