Tuesday, July 25, 2006

3 days and counting...


Loralee Choate said...

I am really digging these photos of your mugs. You should print them, frame them, and use them to decorate a nook in your new house where you go with a steaming cup.

Jessie said...

ha! Good idea Loralee! I think I should send one to you too. :)

bee said...

i was born so close to halloween that every year since i've been an adult my birthday parties have been masquerades. my FAVOURITE was one that my best friend threw for me at this bar - the theme was alice in wonderland, and all of my friends dressed up as the characters. (i was the only alice, though.) we bought wine and chocolate beforehand and left them in little containers around the bar with signs propped up - "eat me", "drink me". your post reminded me of that sense of mischievous play.

have i wished you GOOD LUCK ON YOUR MOVE YOU'LL KICK ASS yet?

Jessie said...

bee--you're awesome! your comment made me laugh. :)

Anonymous said...

sidewalk chalk makes everything better, don't you think?

Elizabeth Krecker said...

You crack me up!

I think you should do more than just frame them. Remember that guy who got famous photographing his dog?

Buy a really good camera and you could have something here!

Or at least have a lot of fun along the way!!

Anil P said...

The many colours that tea can never be :(