We put the BBQ sauce in the cart, walked past pickles and juice and preserves...when, to the left, my attention was drawn to this beautiful chocolate bar.
Um--I don't even like chocolate that much. But how--how I ask-- could I pass up something of such beauty? I felt my hand reach out, grab it, and then start pulling me toward the cart. I could not resist the urge to buy it--even when I saw V.'s look of: what are you doing??? how much does that thing cost??
I immediately started bumbling something like: "I can't help it...look how pretty it issss. It's premium organic. Isn't it cool? I mean, wow, look at those colors. And, look, it says THE ART OF CHOCOLATE. I want to paint it."
yeah, ok...so I'm a sucker for packaging. But, come on...can you blame me???
Yeah, I'm a sucker for packaging too. I started using Philosophy products because of the words written on the package. Fortunately it is a good set of products yet the packaging alone had me sold on them!
I am a marketing whore as well. Sad, really.
you're a marketer's dream. but that is one fine-lookin' chocolate bar.
new to your blog, referred through sunday scribblings. loved the toni morrison post, though what i especially loved was your description of coming back into the passionate embrace of words. that happens periodically with me and music. you captured the sensation so well i think i'll go see about stirring those coals...
There are so many things that I have purchased (but haven't really needed or even liked) based on the packaging. I hear ya, sister.
That package reminds me of something Van Gogh might create, if he worked in marketing.
nope can't blame you one bit. i love cool/funky/interesting packages
If a marketing team (the account manager, the artist, the writer, the printer - everyone) demonstrates cleverness, creativity and originality, then most likely the company that hired them produced a product that shares these same qualities -or so I justify my weakness for great packaging!
Oh what a relief!!! I buy 'beauty' all the time. But here's what I think...
1. you deserve a luxurious candy bar.
2.its organic...that candy bar could save your life:)
3.the universe is mysterious and there is a specific reason (unknown at the moment) that you have to have that candy bar... it's fate!
Only good things can come of this;)
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