Melba has asked me to spill 10 beans about myself, and so without further adieu...

1.) If my house were burning,
the first thing I'd grab would be my journals.
They are my most valuable possession.

2.) I feel most "me" in my old flannel.

3.) I get a kick out of seeing students' eyes light up when they realize that they have something important to say and it leaves me feeling energized in a way that nothing else does.

4.) I sniff the coffee beans every morning before grinding them.

5.) I think about returning to India every day. And it's the only thing that's kept me from starting a family.

6.) I was afraid of heights until I built my own house.

7.) Before that...I lived in some pretty weird places including a hogan I built in the high desert of Arizona and a shack deep in the woods of Minnesota (to name a few). I like living without water or electricity because I feel more connected to my life...but now I live like a "normal" person with phone, internet, and cable too...
My kitchen counter is full of electrical appliances.

8). My best friend, Abe, died nearly a year ago and I still miss him every day. There will never again be a dog quite like him.

9). I love it when I get stuck at a rail road crossing and have to wait for the train. The sound and vibration is enough to almost pull my heart out of my chest. When I was 20 I hopped freights from Minnesota to Alaska. It took 3 weeks to get there...and if I was as brave as I was then, I'd do it again.

10). One time
my husband and I did an experiment to see what our kids would look like if we had any. Something went awry.
Love this post. What adventures you are having in your life!
Robin Williams, comedian says:
"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."
I really enjoyed this post.
Your number 3 is my number 1.
You've definitely had some grad adventures and I'm sure there are many more to come. I lost my sweet Alex Girlie Dog a little less than a year ago and I miss her everyday. She made such a wonderful contribution to my life as I'm sure your pooch did too.
I love the attempt to see what your children look like! And don't let wanting to return to India keep you from having children if that is what you want--we're going back with the Madam once she's past her first birthday. Where did you visit while you were there...I mostly stayed in Bombay, because that is where TEG (my husband) is from, but I've also been to Hyderabad and further down south.
Ah, I love India! We need to chat about it sometime.
And tell me more about Minnesota...since I'm moving to Minneapolis in a few months.
Great post...I'll stop babbling now. :)
I wish I had the courage to live like you have. The jumpin' trains bean... So much respect. Wow.
wow...this has been a great post
giving me so much more insight
about you...
those are amazing things you
have done!
I love the places you have lived the hogan and the shack deep in the woods they sound so Waldenesque,part of me wants to live
more in touch with nature, but then I hear a compelling little voice the says no hot bath no internet and thats the end of that ideal.
You jumped trains! Wow!
I am so excited about that fact! I once saw a movie called Catching on. It was a film about people who live their lives riding the freights. I loved that film. Months after seeing it we lived near railroad tracks so I'd always look at the train hoping to see someone trying to jump on , or hoping to spot someone riding...
Much respect. What a wild woman you are!
arriving from sunday scribblings; really enjoyed this bean post complete with photos,,,
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