Marquez has been ordered. And in approximately 2 and a half weeks summer will be mine to read, read, read until my little heart's content. This here is just the top of the stack.
I. Can't. Wait.

And since I'm posting photos...
this is Viscosa. She's a sexy little thing, isn't she...and literate, too...or, at least, she likes to pretend.
Can't read all the titles in your creative book display - but found a couple that I will have to explore this summer :)
hum--- I have been wondering if I could find a literary cat to read aloud to me....
She is indeed a very sexy thing! Enjoy the anticipation of all that is to come this summer. Be well.
Wow! that's a lot of reading! I can only get 1 book at a time, otherwise I try to read them all at the same time:)
Viscose is so beautiful! Shiney too!
i am reading secret life of bees
right now...
i started it last night
and i can tell its going to be
one of those books
that stays with you
like a dream you had
or an alternate life you have lived...
in the back of your head
throughout the day...
can't wait to see what you think
of it
I do the same thing - buy stacks of books and get around to reading them whenever. As for Marquez, have you read Living to Tell the Tale? It has been my experience that one tends to read a book when there's something in it that provides perspective or mirrors something going on in real life.
oh stacks of books make my heart so happy
(and on a fun note, i have that same lamp that is in the picture with the very sexy Viscosa)
I have to admit that working in a bookstore for 1 1/2 years sorta killed my love of reading for a little bit (Weird, but it happens a lot...Book OD). It is starting to come back, though! Yay!
VERY sexy kitty. Her coat is so shiny!
OH I am so jealous of your gorgeous pile of books and the time to read them - sigh!!! I wish you the most wonderful summer - full of words and self care! xo
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