Thursday, December 13, 2007

margin notes

Yesterday was one of those crystalline days when the sky is all sunshine and blue, a day when snow glitters and floats through the air as if from nowhere. I'm sure that there is a scientific explanation for these atmospheric delights, but since I'm unable to explain it (and even if I could) I am quite content with the notion that, once in awhile, it is simply magic that graces my world, sometimes in the form of a perfectly frosted landscape.


Kelly said...

Magic days.

Deirdre said...

It sounds like magic. Lovely.

kj said...

beautifully described.....

Dragicevic said...

Hi Jessie, it's Britta from Up North.

I told my son while he was looking at the sparkles on the snow that perhaps a star had come during the night and left magical star dust everywhere.

He was, of course, delighted at that idea....

I love when nature reveals her treasures....and how simple, yet unfathomable they are to us. Millions of millions of tiny crystals....pure abundance.

Keep warm and Happy Holidays!


Amber said...

This little post is full of beauty.
Hey! Just like you.


Anonymous said...

Hey there Jessie. Only you and your beautiful imagery in your writing could make me long for a cold winter day.
And Happy Birthday!!!