I've spent a lot of time this past week thinking about what I want for 2009. I have a feeling, both strong and deep, that this is going to be my year to take a giant step forward in living my dreams. The past year has shown me just what truly powerful creators we are. I made my annual list of accomplishments for the year (like I do every year--instead of New Year's resolutions) and (oh, mama-mia!) it was staggering. Granted, it was excessively Stray Dog Arts obsessive, but I was amazed to see how many things manifested and changed for me in one short year.
The best part is knowing that it is only the beginning.
Late last night, after a long day of photo shoots, phone calls, emails, and (joyously!!) finally moving my canvases and paints into the studio, I came home and sat on the couch with my husband and dogs. This is a luxury I don't usually grant myself...but there was a documentary on India and, well, what can I say?
Last year my big Mondo-Beyondo request for the Universe was to attain my dream studio. I can't even tell you how close to IMPOSSIBLE that was at the time of asking. This has truly been the most incredible year of my life. The Universe has proven to me, with flying colors, that ANYTHING is possible when you live from your heart. This year, one of my most important Mondo-Beyondos is to return to India. The other one is to significantly increase the flow of money into my life. And, dear Universe, I am soooooo ready!
As I sat and watched images of India move through me on the television screen, something shifted. Yes, it was that special sort of shift that means something real is happening. Something real and wonderful and life changing. I've come to understand that all of life's biggest transformations happen in this way--and, every time, it comes as a surprise. You can't make it happen--it's more like something that happens to you and, yet, it occurs from the inside out. In my experience, molecular shifts always come about at the most unexpected times.
Anyway, I felt it. And somehow, somewhere deep inside of me, I know that it is going to happen. I am going to travel back to India to paint stray dogs and tell their story. I don't know how and I don't know when...but I do know that I am going to get there. I also know that, on a personal level, the work I do there is going to be profoundly important.
I get the sense that our life is a thread and that each thing we experience is connected to what is both before and after it. Even when things don't make sense as we're living them, those moments create our story. It is what makes sense of the difficult parts. It is the journey, not the destination. That thread is what make us beautiful.
This morning is the day that I am launching a new project and am calling it:
WORD OF THE DAY:: living life one word at a time
Every day for the next year (or more!) I am going to post a word that I have decided to dedicate my day to. These words will be built from my alphabet paintings and, every day, will be posted on my Patch of Sky Etsy (the first word can be found here). I also hope to post and write about these words here on my blog as often as possible.
In honor of my Mondo-Beyondo 2009 list...my very first WORD OF THE DAY is:

2009 is my year for life to break open. Last year was about gaining the confidence to live from the center of my Self. This year is about breaking into wild bloom.
Believing is a perfect place to begin.
Last year I accomplished the majority of my list. At the time of writing it, a lot of it felt nearly (if not completely) impossible. ha! Nothing is impossible.
Click on the image to read my Mondo-Beyondo for 2009. What about you? What's on your Mondo-Beyondo list??
Here's to BELIEVING in 2009!
I just LOVED reading this post! Wow! I got all tingly inside reading your Mondo-BeyondoList.
I am soooo inspired to write y own. I have been putting it off ...feeling a bit...I don't know, unsure about what to pick. You really do Inspire me to dream!
I Believe in you and your dreams!!!
enthusiasm and joy just radiate from your post and make me feel all bubbly ... oooh ... bubbly ... a 'B' word. always liked the letter 'B' :). thanks for pointing out that believe is a 'b' word, too! i love, love, love the 'mondo beyondo' ... now i'm going to find a word for myself.
Hi, I just stumbled on your blog from I don't know where, and it's now bookmarked. I've only read this one post, but I wanted to tell you I'm blown away by your words. I have goosebumps (I think you guys call it goose flesh, which kinda freaks me out). I too have great enthusiasm and energy for this new year, and you've inspired me even more. Just beautiful. Thank you!
oooo, what an awesome list!! i'm cheering you on, girl!!
think you'd ever do a "leap" word set?
So inspiring! I love your page, too. So vibrant!
How come some people can't get the momentum to get going?
I just read your Mondo-Beyondo List. Wow! You have guts to put yourself out there so nakedly.
Thanks to you, I have also made a Mondo Beyondo List...and I plan to post it myself. :)
You know I BELIEVE in you...everything about you. Hopefully we can get together soon. xoxo, M
Your list is so positive - it lifts me just reading it. I'll be checking in to see all your words this year.
What an inspiring post.
I came across your blog via the link for it on 12 Secret of Highly Creative Women. I'm so glad I checked it out. Thank you for sharing yourself.
(and congrats on having your own studio... having enough space is wonderful!!)
love reading these beautiful, brave words from you...noticing the excitement of all that already came true...and feeling the twinkle of possibilities for this year...
i know that feeling of a dream you know will come true...you don't know how and where and when...but you know it will happen...you can feel it in every cell in your body...
to this magical year that is 2009...dreams coming true one by one...or imagine 2 or 3 or 4 dreams coming true all at once!!! xx
This post got me thinking about the power behind believing and it made me ask myself what I REALLY want. I did not make new years resolutions or even an intention list and yet your post has triggered some reflection within and I feel inspired to make a list of my desires, hopes, intentions for 2009.
I've missed talking to you!
I've been reading your posts and yet have lagged when it comes to commenting... You've been in my thoughts!
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