I believe in you.
These letters are part of an ongoing project:
"WORD OF THE DAY :: living life one word at a time."
Today's word is WISH. What did you wish for?
See more letters and words at my Patch of Sky Etsy shop, here.
be inspired...
visit Jamie's Wishcasting project.
What a beautiful post and thank you so much for asking this question! :) Thank you also for your comment on my recent post, it was a big risk to right it and admit my painful truth: I want to go back home. I know I can't right now, but perhaps in the next couple of years I will be able to.
I still can't get over your interview Jessie! I gotta find that apron I bought while I was in Toronto so I can get into a creative mood. I've been so, well, not craftsy at all. Perhaps this will help, thanks to your inspiration!
I wish to go to France and visit a close friend as soon as possible.
I wish for my business to become successful.
I wish to continue to be positive, happy and energetic.
I wish for everyone to be happy and healthy.
♥ visit me at www.afiori.com ♥
I wish, on the mundane side, for a more reliable internet connection :(
I wish more people would listen to, believe, and follow the songs their hearts are aching to sing - as you do so beautifully with all your inspiring posts. thank you.
How funny. I just painted a picture about wishes.
I didn't say my wishes on my post though, so maybe I'll say it here.
I wish for the things I have been working on to start paying off, I wish for them to be realized in the wider world.
I wish for continued peace, health and happiness. I wish for my mission to flourish even brighter this year than it did last year. I wish for your blog to never end for it inspires me daily. :)
Thank You
I wish for peace...that simple. Just peace.
Peace & Love,
I wish that a second pregnancy would take and I can give my four year old son a healthy adorable sibling. I've been trying since July 2006. I wish to feel another baby kicking within my womb. I wish to see a positive two lines on a home pregnancy test. I wish to feel tired from the first trimester. I wish, how I wish, how I want this baby to join us.
I've been catching up on your posts, Jessie, and I am so inspired by the thoughts and words that you've shared. You are so talented as an artist and a writer, plus you are a kind and generous human being.
I wish for you to be able to continue on your chosen path of making a difference to the lives of animals, as well as, people...and you ARE making a difference. Thank you for being a positive light in a mostly negative, scary world.
My other wish is to be halfe the person you are when I grow up. :)
Beautiful! Thank you for the inspiration. I'm so loving this word project of yours. That's why I simply had to buy "believe" for my very own! It will remind me to believe in wishes.
One of the things I'm deeply wishing for right now is a vacation.
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