When I first began the Word of the Day project I was afraid that I might run out of good words. It is hereby the ninth day of this endeavor and it turns out that the opposite is true! Every time I come across a good word I write it down...which basically means that every scrap of paper within reach has at least one inspiring word written on it! I have post-its in my purse, stuck to the edges of my computer monitor, stuck to the bathroom mirror, the kitchen counter, dining room table and piano! I have words tucked in books, scribbled on napkins, and running the margins of my magic planner.
The best part is that I just keep finding more of 'em! I find them in catalogs, in books, on television. I overhear them in conversation and notice them on bill boards, license plates, coffee cups, t-shirts and jewelery! It is downright weird and lovely.
Speaking of lovely...today's words is inspired by the beautiful Connie of Dirty Footprints. I've been thinking about the word dance nonstop--ever since watching the video she has posted on her blog (and reading your comments about dancing on my studio post). You see...I have a secret to admit: I dance in my studio...a LOT! I paint until I can no longer contain the sheer giddiness that wells up inside of me and then....yep, you guessed it! I totally dork out. I dance to anything from the Bee Gees to Indian Fusion to Norah Jones. ha! And I love every second of it.
*Note to audience: Please pay special attention to the way Connie throws herself into the music, especially the parts where she sings FREEEEEEEEDOM! See! Yet another inspiring word! And so without further adieu....
Today is dedicated to DANCE.
Go ahead....Shake your booty!
Go ahead....Shake your booty!
Wanna hear something that will knock your socks off?
My husband was just informed me about a possible somethin-somethin that includes travel to INDIA.
Um....please see my MONDO BEYONDO 2009. Guess who would be going with!
:) Holy COW! I think I feel nauseous. In a good way! :)
Wanna hear something that will knock your socks off?
My husband was just informed me about a possible somethin-somethin that includes travel to INDIA.
Um....please see my MONDO BEYONDO 2009. Guess who would be going with!
:) Holy COW! I think I feel nauseous. In a good way! :)
These letters are part of an ongoing project:
"WORD OF THE DAY :: living life one word at a time."
Today's word is DANCE. Dance like no one's watching.
See more letters and words at my Patch of Sky Etsy shop, here.
Oh that is just PeRfEcT!
Way to go, number one crossed off your list!
May the other things listed on Mondo Beyondo be crossed off just as quickly :)
I just finished writing my Cranky post and then I came over here and saw the video and read your post note and now I feel better! THAT'S AWESOME! Wow, your law of attraction works quickly. You name it out loud and it happens! :)
The Dirty Footprints link isn't working.
I absolutely adore Connie and I had the best time watching her dance video when she put it up on Dirty Footprints...and I've loved it again here. You're right, the FREEEEEDOM part is my favorite, too. lol
*Love you, Connie!*
Dance is a perfect word...I dance in my studio, too...it's just joy in action. Woot!
Peace & Love,
That's so exciting!!
I'm happy for you!
The dancing was awesome..She was so Free and happy!
jessoe!!! (i know your name is jessie---but i like the type-o!--maybe that will be my new nick name for you!!!)---OMG! OMG! OMG (and I rarely use that little abbreviation!)--I have goosebumps...absolutel goosebumps--all over my body!! YOU Jessoe!!! YOU, like I say all the time--are my inspiration are my confirmation are my reason for believing and just putting it out there!!!! The India thing! Hot damn!!
Jessoe---I'm gonna email you too..because this post, as sweet and dear it is, has even deeper meaning for me today--then you know!!
You're the best baby! The best!!
Plus, I dance in my studio everyday--I dance at school--I dance in my car--it's good for you!
Peace & Love.
OMG! India!!! I will send your family positive thoughts, and just to cover all bases, cross everything I can (fingers, toes, eyes...)
Perfection - awesome perfection! I see Lord Shiva's been dancing up some some wonderful things for you!
How funny that about the time you were writing this post I was listening to DMB's "EVERYDAY" and dancing out loud and remembering my son dancing in the opening of our sun roof while we listened to this song and waited at a light in Williamsburg. Yes, people honked!
You rock and so does Connie.
Jessie, your posts are so inspiring and I'm loving the words of the day. The dance video is wonderful. I love that song. Sending positive thoughts for a trip to India for you too.
You've made me want to dance, and I just might, right after I feed the animals...or maybe while I'm feeding the animals. :)
I am so blown away by your power!!!
You will be in India soon!
Love you!
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