Since it's winter and my secret place in the north woods is snowed under, this time I have decided to use my studio as a retreat space. It is, after all, fresh and new and calling my name.
I took these photos yesterday to share with all of you. I often find myself wishing that I could invite you in for a cup of coffee. I imagine us making art together, talking, creating, thinking, simply just

Today I have packed a thermos of homemade chicken dumpling soup (made by my ever-loving husband), another thermos with fresh coffee, and an apple. I'll continue to work on the paintings I've started and feel inspired by all that is in the process of manifesting itself. One of the things I like best about this new studio space is how naturally it invites me to grow in new ways. I feel like a plant that has finally been moved to a sun-filled window.
And so, today's Word of the Day, fittingly, is: GROW

One thing that I am learning is that there is just no end to growth. Last night I met with friends--a gathering of women that are both strong and beautiful. I listened to them talk and was amazed by how wonderfully wise each one of them is. I left the gathering feeling intrigued by the notion of growth. It is something that must be cared for and tended to--and, yet, it often happens when we're not looking.
This week I have found myself standing in the middle of my life--a life that is offering me room to grow in more ways than I'm even quite able to comprehend. These days, I often feel like I am looking at myself for the very first time. And I am both honored and grateful to be surrounded by such an incredible tribe of women.
This is too funny! Like Tanaya my first thought when I saw the photo was "OOOOOH lots of space to dance!" Now I'm thinking "OOOOOh, Matisse, "The Dance"!!!!" Maybe you could ... dance a painting, a la Pollock?
Wow, you really know how to inspire me! I can just imagine how those women felt after spending time with you.
Merci, with a smile.
This is so awesome! Can I come to India with you and act as your Hindi interpreter and dog entertainer? :) This thought JUST occurred to me!
Your studio is beautiful, the way the light invades some spaces while allowing darkness to penetrate others... maybe it's only in the pictures, but it looks like the perfect place to paint and create. ENJOY!
How exciting is your new studio!... and yes, I would go crazy without my dear women friends (many of thirty years standing). I love the way we have hung on tight with the roller coaster of life and the wisdom we have gained.We've laughed and cried together and I would be lost without them.
Your studio is really evolving! It BLOWS me away how much it looks like that photo in your vision board.
Love You! Melba
Such a beautiful studio space! I love the drapes. They remind me of your dream studio photo. I'm picturing you painting and having your retreat in this special place. It's special on so many levels. You are standing there painting, churning out your dream while standing in the midst of it...
Grow... You are definitely doing that!
Can you believe it? Isn't it amazing???
I am gearing up to begin curating another show at the church. Life at the gallery has been good. I have actually sold three pieces and am looking into starting workshops...
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