I celebrate us.
I celebrate the belief that anything is possible
when we simply get out of our own way!
this is not the end of this project,
but only the very baby beginning.
On Thursday, September 27th I started the Be Brave Project and dared myself to do one thing every day that scares me. I don't know what I expected from it. All I know is that I was starting to feel a very deep need for change in my life. For thirty-five days I've been watching myself transform into someone that I can love. Does that sound cheesy? Well, yes, I'm cheesy then. This challenge has taken more time, energy, and concentration than anything I've ever done before. Yes, even more concentration and energy than hiking the Himalayas!! It has required me to be focused. It has required me to be confident. It has required me to stand up for myself and to push myself further than I would have otherwise.
It has taught me to listen to my heart. It has also taught me that I have a lot to let go of before I can truly move on. It has taught me that I have it in me to be anything and anyone that I want to be. It has taught me to believe in myself and in my dreams. I have come to the conclusion that, what I want more than anything, is to be myself--fully and completely me. And what I've come to understand is that is what the universe also wants most from me. The closer I move towards my heart's desires, the more everything else seems to start falling into place. It is truly, for lack of a better word, weird.
In the past 35 days I have (in no particular order):
- Applied for a portrait artist job. I never heard back from them--doesn't matter though, because it got the ball rolling.
- Applied for a retail manager position. I was offered a job, but turned it down because it didn't pay well enough to justify it. Upon reflection I was glad that it worked out the way it did because, if I were to be honest with myself, it is not the kind of work I want to do anyway.
- Worked on my thesis.
- Worked on my thesis.
- Worked on my thesis.
- Worked on my thesis.
- Worked on my thesis.
- Worked on my thesis.
- Worked on my thesis. (Yes, this is important to me! Can you tell?)
- Worked on my thesis. (I'm almost done!) :) :) :)
- Encountered wild animals up close, including two bears and an entire pack of wolves in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. Now that was (wonderfully) scary!
- Went on a solo writing retreat (see #3-6, and #11).
- Got my bangs cut extra short.
- Went shopping for a nice outfit that made me feel good, wore high heels, and went out to a restaurant that sported more silverware than I knew what to do with!
- Walked out into the deep, black, night through mist and crashing waves. Such darkness. I was terrified!
- Started eating smaller portions for meals and traded crackers and chips for apples--and have, since then, lost a few pounds.
- Posted a video of myself on my blog. Yow! Did I really do that?!
- Built a website banner for someone inspired by a dream image. I was intimidated by it at first, but ended up having so much fun creating it!
- Learned how to use my new pen tablet that I had been avoiding for weeks.
- Made great strides in learning new Photoshop techniques. This has already been so incredibly helpful in terms of my web design projects and fun, too!
- Started pulling together the inklings of a new book.
- Looked into getting fine art prints of my paintings. I realized that my search for lower prices will need to continue. :)-
- Applied for a advising/counseling position. It is the kind of job that I would love!
- Shared my blog address with my mom.
- Had my tarot read by the ever fabulous Jamie. Serious stuff. Wonderful, amazing, life-changing.
- Learned how to solve computer challenges without asking for help.
- Went shopping for jeans even though I was afraid that they would all look horrible on me and that I would go home feeling bad about my body. However, I surprised myself by finding a pair that fit perfect and that I feel great in! Now that's amazing.
- Lined up an art show for spring.
- Cleaned, organized, and cleared out the negative energy in my office. It feels great and is so much more conducive to getting things done and feeling comforted.
- Made lasagna from scratch for the first time ever.
- Started really and truly believing in myself and my dreams.
- Inquired about 2 more web design projects--and got them both!
- Bought a new domain for our web design business that better reflects me. We're in the process of revamping the whole site in a way that better reflects both of us. This felt very important to me. I'm so excited about it!
- Started wearing jewelery and clothes that feel more like me and noticed how much brighter my energy shines when I am simply me.
- Was honest with myself and stuck to my guns when confronted with an "opportunity" that would undermine my personal goals.
- Made a list of priorities...then got real with myself. I have a tendency to stretch myself always too thin and always too far. So I shifted things around so that there are only two ranked under "#1 Priority." They are: finish thesis and find a new job. The rest will happen soon enough.
- As soon as I am done writing this post I have promised myself time to do a "letting go" ritual. I hope to tell you more about it tomorrow.
Send me your list in an email OR leave your list in the comment section of my blog by Sunday, November 4th. On Monday, November 5th, I will create a new post with ALL of our "Be Brave" actions combined. For the sake of readability, please try to keep any explanations relatively short (at least for the purpose of the compiled list). You all have been doing some AMAZING stuff! And I would really like to take a moment to celebrate it.