Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Rummage Sale!!: Help Support a Local Loser

Day one of the rummage sale and I made $110.00 in just a few hours. Sadly, it all went into my checking account and is thereby swallowed up. Tomorrow anymore swindled money will go into my gas tank-- passing by, I saw $3.02/gallon. Ouch! Well, maybe we'll all wake up and start driving more sensibly. I just wish there weren't a few yahoos making all the profit. Damn them!

I've been dreaming of a Honda Element once the house deal goes through. But I'm beginning to think I'd be crazy to buy anything that doesn't get over 30 miles per gallon. Oh, I'll be sacrificing all-wheel-drive and that artsy/outdoorsy style. But my god! Either way, it's a good thing I like to bike and walk cuz once I move to town, I'll be doing lots of it.

Alright, alright...this is all gibberish. 2nd day of class and falling behind is already becoming a threat. A cup of instant Folgers to the rescue! UGg.

By the way... some shameless advertising: If you're looking for furniture or any intro. art to decorate you home or dorm with... the sale will continue on Friday and Saturday (behind Netzers). Bring all your money.


Audrey said...

I'm there. Where is Netzers?

nrlaumei said...

ooh! ooh! I'll be there Friday (or Saturday). Want to make it a date, Audrey?

Jessie said...

17th and Bemidji Ave.--by the Rec. Center field. the way, I never promised great beauty.