Thursday, August 04, 2005


After two days of serious work I finally made progress on something. Class is planned. The finer details still need to be filled in, but the skeleton is there--and is, despite my creative impulses, rhetorically sound. I'm curious (and a little scared) to meet my class. It appears that I have a large handful of math and science majors. Ooh-- the test is on. We'll be writing a lot and whatever their major, I hope they like to write... or at least are willing to give it a chance. I say "we" because this time around I really want to do the writing assignments along with the class. I know, I said that last year too. But this time I might actually have time (I hope). One mistake I made last year was not giving myself enough (or any) time to write creatively. It about ruined me. This year I'm on a mission to live a more balanced life. I look forward to teaching again. But I think what I like most about it is that it allows me to remain a perpetual student; to get other people writing, but to keep myself excited about it too.

And although it's crazy to think I'll have time this coming week, I'm bringing a notebook with me to Canada. Maybe I'll make a little progress on that Indendent Study while abroad. I'm imagining a few stolen moments hiding out under a pine tree or next to a glacial blue lake or sitting on a log next to a river and writing. I've come to realize this summer that writing the first draft long hand takes all the pressure off. I can write in 10 minutes what would take 2 hours on the computer. I use a medium point, blue pen. And I like the way the paper feels like braille when I'm done.

I'm sick of writing being a struggle. Damnit-- I want to enjoy it again.


Froyd said...

how can you tell what kinds of kids are in the classes? I want to know who're in mine, dangit!

of course, since its a noon class, they'll all probably be football players. maybe I don't want to know...

Jessie said...

A "faculty" tab will eventually show up on your registration page. You get to your class list from there. Morgan will probably be explaining it to you very soon if he hasn't already. Good luck with the "normalizing"!