Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Old Woman with a Chrysanthemum

One day, a week or so ago, I talked to a very old woman. A stranger. She had long white hair, walked with a cane and carried with her a yellow potted chrysanthemum. During the course of our conversation she said that her astrologer told her that July will be a very bad month for everybody. For me, bad means: no writing, no house selling, no money (not to mention, no smoking). It also means the cat is sick and I hope he makes it through tomorrow because it will be August and then maybe, just maybe, everything will work out.

According to the stars and planets @

You now enter the calm before the storm. Psychic war clouds are gathering on the horizon as Venus nears a polarity to Uranus and Mars locks horns with Saturn. Both of these turbulent sky patterns will materialize tomorrow, but there are definite hints of their presence on day one of the weekend. Before you have to confront a wide array of challenges, enjoy visiting art galleries, bookstores or museums. Your creative and artistic powers feel rejuvenated by a Venus-Mars parallel at 10 degrees north of the Celestial Equator (11:09AM PDT). Romantic partners can also enjoy a loving experience close to this time or make sparks fly if the big chill has been recently intervening in their affairs. Inventive notions and intuitive promptings are flying fast during a Moon-Pallas trine in air signs (3:18PM PDT) supplemented by the Moon in Gemini aligning with Jupiter in Libra (8:40PM PDT). Be extra sensitive to dear ones this evening as celestial mischief makers prepare to wreak havoc on earthlings during the next 24 hours. Offer a healing massage to someone overwhelmed by stressful circumstances beyond their control.

It's not over yet. God, I can't wait until Monday.

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