Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Welcome to the NEW look!

In celebration of a NEW address in a NEW neighborhood with a NEW phone number in a NEW city where I just started a NEW job...I decided my blog deserves a new look to reflect my NEW LIFE. (whew! that's a lot of newness!!)

My husband
is a technological GENIUS and deserves an award for all of his hard work. Thank you, husband. You amaze me.


Anonymous said...

i LOVE it!!! it's the coolest!!!1

Deirdre said...

Great new look. I'm so impressed by anyone who can make these cool changes without lots of angst. (Unlike me) Handy hubbies are the best.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant Jessie! Great color scheme, design, and overall feel! Is that a back bend I see in your profile? I used to be a gymnast so I zoned in on what looked to be like one right away :)

Kristine said...

I really like it! WOW! It's great and especially appropriate with all the 'newness' in your life...

kj said...

nice blog design, jessie. and a nice introduction to your new job.

do you/will you ever show your artwork here? i'd love to see it.

Endment said...


Anonymous said...

fabulous...i love it!
i'm impressed!

bee said...

i missed your blog, sweetie.
i am going to write you a very long email as soon as i can to tell you how much i have appreciated your support, and how much i echo your sentiments about having found in you a kindred spirit.

i don't feel like i can explore your posts in the way i'd like to right now, but i will be back as soon as i can. i love the new look.

Amber said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Your blog looks great. Vinny did a fantastic job. Looking forward to hearing more about ALL your new life brings. be well.

Jamie said...

What a beautiful transformation! It's strong and inviting and interesting. Awesome!

Tammy Brierly said...

It beautimus! >>Hubby pat on back<<

All Things Jennifer said...

Very nice! ;)

Elizabeth Krecker said...

LOVE the new look!! It's inspiring and playful like you!