Today it rained and rained. But early in the morning, before the first drops fell, Anu and I headed into Sherwood Forest (as I will from now on call "the park" across the street). We found a new trail today and got lost--wonderfully, incredibly lost. About mid-way through The Himalayas (the name V. and I gave to the extremely hilly trail between us and my sister's house), I veered north at the oak with the smiling face and raised arms. We followed it down, down, down a dirt trail carpeted in pine needles and smelling of darkly sweet pitch. We kept walking through cedar stands, then oak stands, past the outer gates of the wild flower gardens, down a trail bordered on both sides by swamp and the jungley sound of birds. We walked and walked and walked...until, finally, we found the lake, went swimming, and headed the rest of the way home--tired, but happy.

Since the morning felt magical, I took the opportunity, after making a cup of coffee and filling Anu's bowl with food, to sit outside and work on a cover letter for one of the places where I would really, really like to work.
You see, I was trying to sneak up on myself because this is a difficult task that's been set before me. Sometimes when I write in a place I don't normally write, with paper and pen instead of my computer, I'm able to trick myself into getting the words I'm searching for onto paper.
But this isn't just any cover letter. Carmen, the good witch from Glinden Hills, has asked me to write it... "But don't worry," she said. "Write a
creative cover letter." And she smiled a soft smile with a sparkle in her eye. ;)
Oh, if only it were so
easy! I feel like I have homework--but of a much more exciting kind! I know I can do this (positive self talk here)...even if I have found myself sitting here (
several hours later) asking

myself how, how, how?! All I know is that it has to come from the heart. Although I can't divulge the place quite yet, let me just say that it is a very
special place--and when she says the cover letter can be creative, then she means that it can be
creative. I'm giddy with excitement and fear and caffeine and baklava from the Lebanese restaurant we ventured into tonight. The roof leaked water on our heads and placemats as we ate. It was a tiny little place with paneled walls and pictures of Lebanon, filled to the brim with one big family and our little family tucked in the corner by the door. It was good and I'm so full that I could happily burst.
Hmmm....it's been a good day--filled with rain on the roof, new-found flowers in the back yard, writing bits and pieces for the cover letter, lots of unpacking (can you believe I'm still unpacking???), good company, delicious food and then more rain and mist and a cool breeze from the window.

Today has involved a great amount of color--
despite grey skies.