Friday, February 24, 2006

the flu

i am so sick i feel like a puddle of dirty melted snow.

my ass has been kicked.


tara dawn said...

Oh no!!! I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you feel much better soon. I'll be sending lots of good, warm, comforting, and healing thoughts your way. If I was closer, I'd bring some chicken soup...but for now, I hope my thoughts are enough.
Tara Dawn

Amber said...

I figured you must be pretty sick when I saw the sign on the office door yesterday. That stinks. Though I'm closer than Tara Dawn, I can't bring you chicken soup because my two-pound car wouldn't make it through the five inches of snow outside. (But if you have to be sick, it's nice that there's at least some pretty snow to look at.)

Feel better soon.

Jessie said...

thanks tara dawn and amber.

and amber...i think you're right about the snow. it's thick out there! i want to go play in it. *sigh*

nrlaumei said...

I think little molecules of whatever you've got floated over to our house and got me, too. I'm not flu-sick, just raw throat and pounding head sick. Feel free to call over at midnight and wake us up -- my silly Boy deserves the payback. :P

Jessie said...

tasha: yep--sore throat and pounding headache. have you gotten a fever yet? and thick ropes of mucus taking over your upper body? and strange high-pitched cracking voice? well, if not might be on its way soon.

i hope not. tell jonathan to be nice to you.

this sucks.

Amber said...

Ick. I'm staying away from all of you.

nrlaumei said...

oh. fuck.