Friday, October 27, 2006

a few notes on choosing the perfect coffee cup.

As many of my friends know, I have a rather e x t e n s i v e coffee cup collection. Actually, we have so many coffee cups that we don't have room for any other type of glassware (except wine glasses, of course(!)... which have been demoted to a separate cabinet). Choosing the perfect cup every morning has turned into, not just a routine, but (dare I say?) a ritual. Some people light candles or say prayers...I drink coffee out of the perfect cup. It is how I start my day.

The cup I choose has everything to do with my mood. Am I sleepy? Feeling creative? Needing comfort? About to be productive? I only pick my little porcelain troll cup on extra special days when I'm feeling exceptionally imaginative. Today is a troll cup day. See the troll and the chunky little blonde girl off to the right? Yeah--I'm her--I'm the little German girl romping around in the woods and finding giants. I'm drinking out of this particular cup because I am her and the sun is out for the first time in what feels like weeks and the leaves in my woods look just like the one on the cup.

I love troll days. They are the best kind.


Kristine said...

I love this cup! I am sitting here reading this while drinking coffee out of a big white mug with cars from the 50s on it...

Leah said...

teehee, i love the idea of troll days. :-)

sophie said...

Very creative cup indeed -
trolls are delightful -

i only drink out of one cup -

a eiffel tower cup from paris
my Dad bought for me when i was
fourteen -

but now i want a troll cup -

i'm off coffee cup hunting:)

Anonymous said...

i don't do this consciously, but i do have my days where i prefer one mug over the other.

i would like to have a coffee date with you, very very soon.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe I need to take a cue from you and expand my coffee cup collection. Right now I actually only possess one cup, a white porcelain latte/soup mug from target. I do everything with that cup, drink, eat, etc. I think it's time to get another. Oh, how loverly that would be. I could have soup and drink tea at the same time, and not one then the other!

I think I need a coffee pot, too ...

Jessie said...

Melba, YES! That sounds like a great idea!

Endment said...

What a great idea --- a cup for every mood! Do trolls like sun?

Guess I have go join the treck and find some mugs :)

J*me said...

I love that cup and I love this post!

kj said...

jessie, the return of the coffee cup(s) is a very good sign.....


liz elayne lamoreux said...

(me too! i am giggling now. how you know the life i live...this is me in the morning too. but i want one with a troll - i love it!)

Jamie said...

Wow, what a great cup! How wonderful to wake up knowing that it was a particularly imaginative, magical day. It sounds like the beginning of a beautiful story! I hope it was a joy~

Deirdre said...

I don't have an extensive collection, but my morning just isn't right if the mug I want is in the dishwasher. Your troll cup is perfect - it's definitely a good day starter.

Amber said...

Aw, I LOVE a good mug. And I love to paint them for my friends and family when I have the time to be creative. :)
