Last night I went out. Maybe I shouldn't have done that, except that a whole handful of good friends from high school were in town. We. Had. Fun.
Now my head hurts. But I love my friends. We don't see each other often, but when we do, there's an easiness that makes it feel as though we've never missed a beat.

(from left to right) Jake, me Luke, and Jess.
I hadn't seen Jake in more than 8 years!!

Jake, Luke, Tara, and me.
*Luke has a licking problem.
Jake, Luke, and Tara--awwww--aren't they cute?!.

And my very best friend in the world, Jess, and her boyfriend, Saul.
Ok, fine...so now my head hurts. But it was definitely worth it. Last night I remembered just how good it feels to be surrounded by friends that I feel truly comfortable with. We've all known each other a long, long time and I'm glad I still have them in my life--because they've grown up to be some ridiculously incredible people.
Yes, it's true--I love my friends--very, very much.