oooh yeah, ain't she sweeeet...

I feel so sexxxy in my new mini van! I think I'll fill it up with babies.

uh-em... and there she is! baby #1 is making herself at home.
... ain't she sexxxy too!
yeah... we love our new mini van. (god help us). i feel so cool i can hardly stand it. oooh yeah...chic-a-chic-a-boom-boom!
WHY are you driving a mini-van?
(And yes, she is sexy. You can tell her I said so.)
P.S. Why are you never in your office when I stop to say hi?
Well, my dear, I am driving a mini-van because my piece-of-shit truck was about ready to fall apart. It was beginning to stall at intersections and stoplights. Sometimes it didn't want to leave the driveway. It had a strange rattle and bad tires. I think my truck fell out of love with with me.
So, to give you the whole story, my father was going to trade in the mini-van (the old Netzer delivery vehicle) for a brand new, shiny silver Jeep Liberty for himself. Lucky bastard. Anyway, my truck was worth more for trade-in value... but the mini-van has half the miles and twice the reliablity...and come on now-- we all know how awesome mini-vans are!!! Therefore, we shuffled vehicles and I ended up with the family-mobile.
I'm never in my office cuz I'm having so much fun picking up construction workers with my new baby blue ride.
uh-hu, uh-hu...chic-a-chic-a...
THAT is the funniest story about a mini-van. I drove one after my piece-of-shit truck died on me ... two winters without heat and it finally died.
But the best thing about mini-vans is the removable seat ... perfect for camping on the road!
And my verifying word is:
Figure that one ...
I want a minivan! My honey wants a Dodge Magnum which reminds me of your hubby and Jonathan last year in TWWT when we had to go on the Dodge site and they were laughing at the Magnum and called it a station wagon and I think it looks like one too...they cracked me up! A minivan would be perfect for us though in the summer go to powwows....yeah!!
ha! jamie, I'm laughing just remembering those presentations! and i'm imagining you in an oh-so-cool PINK mini-van. err...maybe i could sell you mine and you could paint it! ok... i feel like a dork driving it, but you're right-- they work well for traveling. :)
hope to see you around someday soon!
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