Every morning I find myself in a place of extreme gratitude for the fact that I don't have to "go to work." That is, I don't have to go somewhere that I don't like and tough out the work day, the work week. I prefer my animal kingdom and staying in my pj's and having options. I remember listening to one of Marisa's podcasts this past winter and day dreaming about what it must be like to be a full time artist who gets to work from home or a studio. I've come to the conclusion that it is just as enjoyable as I imagined it would be. Maybe even more so since I had no idea my life would become so interesting and multi-faceted.
One thing I know about myself is that I get bored when things get too monotonous. Well, the work I'm doing is anything but monotonous! Sometimes I paint, sometimes I do photo shoots, sometimes I do computer work, sometimes I meet with people, sometimes I get to help with rescue missions, sometimes I go for coffee or lunch or dinner, sometimes I design things, sometimes I run errands to the art store or post office or bank, sometimes...lots of stuff. So much stuff, in fact, that I find myself needing to take special care to keep track of my life and find a balance. Making time to actually paint is often my biggest hurdle of all.
Somehow, in my mind, I find myself thinking that getting moved into the studio space will make time management so much easier. At least, it will make painting easier. Oh, big beautiful space! The hardest part is waiting until November 1st--when they will be finished with the renovation. In the meantime, I enjoy daydreaming about that space--profusely. Between now and then I have a mountain of painting to do...and I can't even tell you how much I am looking forward to getting started with my next project: an exhibition of ALL rescue dogs.
Speaking of rescue dogs...as expected, Gunnar and Sam stole my heart. I want to tell you their stories, but today I find myself capable only of carrying their sweetness in my heart. Instead or stories, I will share a few photos. I think you'll be able to see for yourself just how wonderful they are.

He also loves cheese. And running. And being talked to.

Gunnar loves kisses. And taking naps. And having his paw held.
How is it possible that both of these dogs were going to be euthanized? How is it possible that anyone would have wanted to give them up in the first place? All I can say is that it was a pleasure making their acquaintance...and I truly hope they find incredible new homes. I do not doubt that they will.
Well, one thing is for sure. There is always....
Well, one thing is for sure. There is always....