Friday, August 03, 2007

thoughts on a thursday morning in august.

Is it just me, or does Minneapolis seem tired? Or maybe exhausted is a better word. Yesterday morning people moved with looks of concern on their faces. Every conversation began with things like: "Oh, it's good to see you, you're ok." "Is everyone you know ok?" "Are your people...? (and finishing the question with a simple hand gesture or look meaning: "Do you know anyone that was on the bridge?)"

Yes, Minneapolis is exhausted. Life is returning to normal but I think it is safe to say that this really shook people up. Mostly, I think, because everyone knows someone that might have been on the bridge. My sister's co-worker was in the water. My brother-in-law goes to church with someone whose sister is missing. In this way, the city becomes much smaller. It becomes more apparent just how connected we are--even if by thin threads of acquaintances.

Anyway, it is two days later. It is morning. I am sitting outside once again at my old wooden table and, in the direction of 35W I hear helicopters. The sound paired with a silent interstate is unnerving. Sirens, even more so. This week has brought with it a lot of emotional weight. It has also brought out a sense of caring and connectedness.

I have more that I want to write...but, for now it is time to go to work. We take a deep breath and life goes on. My thoughts go out to those who have been most affected by a moment so unexpected.


madelyn said...

Jessie -
sending you a big warm hug -
a cup of chai and a chocolate bar:)


Anonymous said...

I am feeling it too. *sigh*

Tammy Brierly said...

Sending a warm thankful embrace.

Peace and love,

Anonymous said...

i'm never been to MN, but watching the news is too much. i just feel so vulnerable when i know how quickly things can change. hugs to you..

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and the people of Minneapolis.
Your post is sad and reminds us how life can change on a dime.
It must feel almost reminiscent of the 9/11 tragedy.
Peace & hugs to you Jessie.

Marie said...

Thanks for thoughtful viewpoint and human perspective of this terrible reminds us to value and treasure our time with others. May peace be with you and the people of Minneapolis soon. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Jessie I found you from Kelly's blog. My husband went to MN to visit family and crossed the bridge the day before the collaspe.
Talk about six degrees! I found out about it from a friend in an email (before seeing news on TV/radio)...called husband and relieved to hear his voice...all the family there also okay/safe/ heart went/goes out to everyone affected...the city, the world...we are all affected. Sad, scary, life is so darn precious!

meghan said...

hey - sending you love and support. It must be so overwhelming to live so close. I had no idea that you were so near... please take good care.


Anonymous said...

Talk about six degrees of separation indeed. It's more like 2 degrees within the same city. I'm so glad you're okay.

Amber said...


I add my own thoughts and prayers to yours...


Admin said...

this is very sad. it was in the news here.

Anonymous said...

It does make you remember to appreciate each moment, each day.