Sunday, May 28, 2006

bear with's hot out and i've got pollen on the brain.

80 degrees--it's too early in the morning for that temperature. I am a winter soul at heart--and the only one I can find to agree with me around here is my wolfie, Anu. I just finished brushing another bag full of hair off of her. She was pant-panting like a maniac and so I set up my great-grandma's old fan in the garage to keep her cool.

It is old, metal, and turquoise--very vintage and very cool. It's also loud, but I can't bring myself to get rid of it because it was, after all, my great-grandma's, and is one of the few things I have from her. I thought Anu might be afraid of it because of the sound, but I was wrong. I plugged it in and PLoP! She's been sitting in front of it ever since.

Thus began our day.

At this very moment, I'm drinking some wonderfully strong coffee out of my favorite porcelain blue, brown, and white cup with elephants. Today I got extravagant and even put the cup on its saucer. There is something luxurious about drinking from a cup with a saucer.

Days like this, I like to pretend that I am somewhere far away. Today I'm in India. It is dusty and hot. There are sounds of birds and traffic. I am not yet quite familiar with these summer time "in-town" sounds and so it is relatively easy for me to transport myself. This is the first summer I've lived outside of the country in 7 years. It's easy to experience things in new ways if I put my mind to it.

Right now, I am content with a slow start to the day. I slept in because my head is in a pollen cloud...and soon I will make my way to the flower shop where I'll keep plugging along at putting the place back together. It's a 2-story store. I finished the upstairs a few days ago. Last night I completely tore the first floor apart. There is not one thing in its place. And, ok, I'll admit--I love that feeling (the potential for a new beginning?). Today I'll paint some more and then it will be time to put it all back together. It's a big place and will take a few days...but I'm using Memorial Day weekend to my advantage. This way I have an extra day to let it look like a cyclone went through before I have to make it safe again for customers.

But today, however, I wish I didn't have to work. As much as I don't like the heat, it does feel good. It forces me to relax and slow waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down. There is the whir of the fan at my back and the soft movement of the curtains. There is another cup of coffee to be had and a dog to give back massages to and a lake to take her swimiming in (she's so spoiled). Best of all, there are books to be read, savored, enjoyed. I'm in an introspective mood. I'd like to wander and lounge and consider the nature of small blossoms, leaf shapes, and clouds.

If only I could live in my imagination just a little bit longer. Wouldn't it be nice?!


Endment said...

We turned on the air conditioners for the first time this year. It didn't cool down much last night so we awoke to a house that was hot and sticky. How I wish I could get my imagination to work --- It still seems hot and sticky...

Amber said...

Since I got home from work at 3:00, I've been tempted to call you and see if you wanted to go for a walk at the State Park. But I think it's too windy for me, and I'm sure I'm too tired and footsore. Maybe another day...

Jessie said...

Amber, that would have been a good idea. I've been at work all day and am going back shortly.

But we should do that someday soon.

Do you have roller blades?? I've been thinking about getting some and roller blading at the State Park. I love it out there.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

our millie is the only one who feels my pain when it is so hot out...and the fact that people don't have air conditioning out here. crazy! but luckily it doesn't get that hot. still, i hate being hot too.

i have just caught up on reading your last few posts. you are such a writer my dear. such a writer. i love this image of you pretending you are in india...and i appreciate what you shared about the loss of your friend...the confusion...the sadness. so glad you are writing more often...i learn much from you.

Amber said...

I don't have roller blades. And the only pair I've ever had (10 years ago) were really uncomfortable, so I never got any good on them. So I'm probably not the best rollerblading buddy.

Laura said...

I hate summer. And they just keep getting longer around here. And I'm moving SOUTH! I'm a moron.

Colorsonmymind said...

Oh you put how I feel about the heat beautifully. I am so with you-it was super hot here today too.

All Things Jennifer said...

I am a winter suld at heart. Anything over 75 is really just too hot!