Wednesday, May 17, 2006

5 things...

I was tagged by Tara...
welcome to my cluttered world! :P
(click images to make them bigger)

You're next!
(if you feel like it, that is)...
  1. Amber
  2. Tara Dawn
  3. Melba
  4. Mardougrrl
  5. Erin


Joy Eliz said...

I love that you drew everything!!

Loralee Choate said...

Okay, the sketch of you and V and the dairy products made me snort diet coke, missy!


Tammy Brierly said...

What a clever way to do a meme! Kim Chi...stinky gas for such. LOL

Unknown said...

beautiful little drawings!!

Anonymous said...

What a great way to do the meme! I see and acknowledge the tag. Thanks for it, and I'll do it this week for sure. :)