Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Self Portrait :: {15} feeling strangely present in my body while walking up and down the aisles of Target

standing in the rug section of the home department.
i am neither running ahead of my myself
or trying to drag myself to catch up.
while looking at welcome mats, i realized that
i was actually standing in the center of my being
noticing what it feels like to be here now.
Self Portrait :: {13} anything is possible...
Self Portrait :: {12} saying bon voyage to "Big Love"

"Big Love" has hereby been SOLD! Today I sold one of my most very favorite paintings I've ever done. It has now been delivered to its new home--and such a perfect home, it is! Even so, a proper goodbye was in order. I'm not sad, because I know that there are many more where this one came from...but it felt necessary to soak in as much of its color, love and inspiration as possible.
"Big Love" taught me how important it is to trust my instincts and to make sure that I allow time to occasionally paint just for myself. That is, after all, where the best paintings come from!
36" x 48" :: Oil on Canvas
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Self Portrait :: {11} words will find my way
Self Portrait :: {10} wild horse heart
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Self Portrait :: {9} finding my inner calm

And a quote by Rumi, just because...
"If you could get rid of yourself just once, the secret of secrets would open to you. The face of the unknown, hidden beyond the universe would appear on the mirror of your perception."~ Rumi
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Self Portrait :: {8} happiness depends on ourselves
I'm scared. But happiness depends on myself.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Self Portrait :: {7} animalistic joy

my wolfie girl, anu, and i shared a joy-filled moment in the studio together after playing in the snow. my dogs bring unexpected amounts of happiness into my life and today was no exception. welcome to a moment in my love-filled life. love fills all of our lives--the trick is simply in noticing it.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Self Portrait :: {6} well hello, little visitor
Self Portrait :: {5} late night nurture huddle

through good times and bad, we've been there for each other--to support, laugh, cry, whine, babble, bitch and celebrate. successes and challenges--huge and small. i made tonight's call from a grocery story parking lot.
the best thing about the nurture huddle? being able to show up as ourselves, wherever we're at--nothing more, nothing less.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Self Portrait :: {4} happiness hotel
Monday, March 07, 2011
Self Portrait :: {3} :: self realization in two parts

Attempting to run away from myself (my thoughts, a heavy heart, the pain that accompanies change). Escapism is a wonderful concept--in theory. I breathe deep or not at all and run towards the closest thing to nothing that I can find...
which leads to...
Part II:
The Self Return. Or rather, a return to Self. Let's face it: there is no running away. I am pulled back to myself as if by a chord on the back of an old toy and, in the process, find myself experiencing unexpected, cellular level JOY. It snuck up on me.
In the foreground, camera ticking and dogs barking. A flock of geese above. These are parts you cannot see.
This life--it is a process. Today I decided that it's OK to experience joy, especially in the tiny, unexpected moments. After all, this is what allows happiness to sneak back in.