Not just a mug, but a daily reminder of the potential in everything.
In living life fully, completely, wholeheartedly...
let's face it, growth is simply inevitable.
let's face it, growth is simply inevitable.
"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them make them."
~George Bernard Shaw
For more glimpses:
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and become a Facebook fan of Stray Dog Arts.
{Project 44} on Flickr
Visit my website at www.StrayDogArts.com
Follow me on Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/jessie.marianiello
and become a Facebook fan of Stray Dog Arts.
Hooray! I had a cup of coffee yesterday afternoon, and as I was drinking it, I was reminded of your mug collection. Mine has dwindled away severely, and the thought made me miss you! So HAPPY to get this cup o' joy this morning! Hugs!
Awesome quote...
What an amazing blog Jessie! You have a truly inspirational soul!
awww, thank you sarah, anu and becky! :) {{{hugs for all of ya}}}
and everyone else...my blog template has gone wonkers! hope to get it fixed soon. certain browsers are displaying it incorrectly. geeesh, i hate that! :)-
Jess, I LOVE the mug!!! I've found out (at my advanced age) that a good, heavy mug keeps my coffee hotter for a longer period of time. Who knew? Right?
And the quote by Shaw is wonderful!
Amen sistah.
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