Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Ready...Set...BE BRAVE!! {Revisited}

Dear Friends,

Back in October of 2007 (oh, that sounds like such a long time ago) I decided to start a new project and invited any one who was interested to join me. Little did I know that it would CHANGE MY LIFE. In proper blogging fashion, people from all over the world decided to participate and, thus, live their lives a little bit more bravely. The cumulative energy from so many brave individuals felt as powerful as a tidal wave, a wave that just keeps growing. I will forever be grateful for the success of the Be Brave Project because it has propelled me forward in ways I never even imagined. Maybe you have participated in this project since the beginning. Maybe you've just started. Maybe you've simply been letting the idea incubate inside of you. Or maybe this is the first you've heard of it. Whatever the case, I deeply believe that there is strength in numbers and so I once again invite you to join me in this Be Brave journey.

I began with the intentions of living by Eleanore Roosevelt's quote for one month.

"Do one thing every day that scares you."
~Eleanor Roosevelt

One thing. Just one. Every day. Turns out that it became a habit. I didn't mean for that to happen, but I'm glad that it did. Granted, committing acts of bravery has not gotten any easier--but what DID happen is that I got better at recognizing the signs of evasion. I got better at giving myself those little nudges--like jumping into water, it is never as painful as we imagine. I think it's safe to say that most of us are creatures of comfort. Why cause ourselves discomfort on purpose? Well, the point is not to be uncomfortable. The point is to MOVE FORWARD. The point is to grow and evolve. The point is to manifest your wildest desires--no matter how impossible they might seem. The point is to shine with our whole being.

And sometimes that requires incredible amounts of bravery.

These days I feel as though I have hit a bit of a crossroads, a hump, a rock, a wall...whatever it is, I'm struggling to move past it, and it feels very NECESSARY and important that I do. Over and over this quote has been finding its way back to me. And I have to tell you that it's down right weird how often and blaringly it has been popping up lately. One woman, who has no knowledge of this project, commissioned me to paint this EXACT quote on 5 feet worth of canvas to hang about her bed. Another woman, who also has no knowledge of the project, invited me to her home for a photoshoot in preparation for a commissioned portrait of her cat and dog. Mind you, the day before I had been on the brink of giving up on myself, but then (the universe stepped in?) I unexpectedly met her on a sidewalk and, for some reason, we started talking. When I arrived at her home, there was a tall gate leading into what I can only describe as a magical place--and on the inside of the gate was, yes, you guessed it, that quote.

Then there have been the emails, the comments, the requests--dozens of them saying: Be Brave, Be Brave, Be Brave...

And so I've come to the conclusion that it is time to revisit the Be Brave Project and to invite you, once again, to join me in doing so.

I will whole-heartedly return to this project on Monday, July 21st. I've chosen that date because by then I will have finished a major project (thus opening up more time and energy for living extra bravely) and I will have just returned home, refreshed from a small vacation. For me, these are good conditions for continuing on this Be Brave journey. And I will blog about my experience here, as often as I'm able to.

I want to make it very clear, however, that there is no beginning and no end to this project. If you decide to join in, there are no rules except for the ones you create for yourself.

We each have a different goal. We each have a different reason for calling on bravery. And we each will have a different outcome. The important thing is that you make a commitment to yourself--and then believe that the universe will support you in that commitment. It's safe to say that you will get as much out of it as you put into it. This blogging community is here as a network of cumulative energy to help propel you forward and remind you that you are not alone when the going gets rough--and it will--but I assure you that you will expand in hugely positive ways.

Taken from the original Be Brave post, here are a few thoughts to get you started:
  • (most important:) MAKE YOUR OWN RULES.
  • Do this for yourself.
  • Make a commitment for the length of time that best suites YOUR needs--one day, one month, one year, one moment...it's all up to you, and you alone. ;)
  • The "brave" or "scary" things that you choose to do can be as big or little as you want them to be. Sometimes it's the little things that can be the most scary (and beneficial)!
  • (not to quote Nike, but...) Just do it.
  • Be on your own schedule. You don't need to make a commitment until YOU are ready.
  • This is your unique journey--make it whatever you want it to be.

If you want to participate, I invite you to add the Be Brave badge to your blog (like you see on my sidebar). In order to get the image to link back to the original Be Brave post, the html code is:

Here's to continued bravery, to moving forward, to full-hearted authenticity, and to living a little bit more adventurously in the process!

One thing:
Be Brave!



Anonymous said...

count me in. :)

Amber said...

yes, i, too, will be brave....thanks

Anonymous said...

This has been "incubating" within me since I read your original post a few months ago. Now I gotta go it! Thanks for reposting it.

Deirdre said...

I'm in. There are some things I want to accomplish that are scary enough to make me talk myself out of them. A little nudge on a regular basis might be all I need, really.

Olivia said...

I am so happy about this, Jessie. You have my full support all the way. I'm excited about what this will bring. I'm already having fun. Much love, O

jacquie said...

So many things incubate with me. I need to do it instead of think about it. So...I'm in.

Lauri said...

Hi-new here; found you through I Am. This sounds like a great idea and I definitely want to be in on it, just to make sure I am really doing this...

Besides the 'Golden Rule', I try to live my life according to two other quotes: 1)Learn something new every day; and 2) the Eleanor Roosevelt quote you have here. These three have been a part of my life for a few years now, and I want to make sure I really am putting my money where my mouth is, so...count me in!

kj said...

i'm in too.

Suzie Ridler said...

Excellent Jessie AND exciting! I will try and participate when I can, thanks for the awesome kick in the butt.

Anonymous said...

me too. ready to be brave. count me in. :)

Connie said...

You know what is the worst thing about blogs??? You can not hug the person after reading such a great post like that one...and the one before it...and the one before that...and so on with you!!! I'm giving you a great big hug--and I'm definitely joining your Be Brave movement! Your post spoke to me...it told me exactly what I need to do...thank you for that!

As a side note, come check out my blog...I'm helping Mother Earth heal and having a free contest all at the same time!!! Come over to enter and win one of my pieces!!

Peace & Love.

meghan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Connie said...

Jessie, I awarded you with the Brillante Blog award because you know, you rock!!! Come on over to my blog and pick up--then treat yourself to a sundae!

Peace & Love.

Leslie said...

I followed Megg over here . . . and yeah, I'm definitely in. Among other things, a bit of bravery is something I could definitely use.

meghan said...

hey - the deleted comment was me!

I'm in - my inspiring, dear, incredible friend. I'm in.

daisies said...

i have been seeing this everywhere and oh yes, i am so in ... i need this now more than ever :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in. Badge posted.

Thanks for the inspiration

Unknown said...

Thanks for the inspiration. I love your posts so much. They make me laugh, cry, nod my head, think and say "yeah, you go girl".

I'm in. :)

enchantedartist said...

Oh my goodness! This is where I am right here, right now! So in...:)

Thank you!

madelyn said...

me too

i need this very much:)

i LOVE this project and i
LOVE you!!!!

Left-handed Trees... said...

I am glad to read this--I am starting a whole "magical year of wishes" on my birthday, July 18th, so the Be Brave would be a beautiful way to kickstart it for me! Thanks, count me in too...

Nnairda's said...

Thanks for the update! I'm starting today.

Jessie said...

hi leslie! i tried following your link, but it doesn't go anyway..so i just wanted to say hello and welcome aboard! :)

Melanie Margaret said...

J ~
you fill my heart with joy!

Talk soon!

Regi said...

Just what I need... please count me in.


Anonymous said...

I am seriously thinking about doing this :-), It may be the first
brave act, cause it is scary :-).

Michelle said...

I'm afraid I'll have a hard time doing this... and so for no other reason I am joining this! I guess I'm late, since from the blog post it looks like this finished up last October... so I will begin my own 30 day journey, to be brave! I'll check in 30 days from today!

Michelle said...

Ok - July 21st it is! (I'm sorry - I was so excited when I read the original post that I thought that was it! And posted my comment before reading the rest! duh! I'm even more excited to know there are other embarking on this adventure with me!)
Bravery baby!

Anonymous said...

i am most definitely in, my gorgeous friend.

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I've been reading your blog for awhile, but not participating. Then I read where you had recommitted to the project. A perfect time for me to start.

patti said...

I have been reading your posts for some time now and have watched you grow close and capture your dreams. I would like to join in too - see you on the 21st - Thank you Jessie!

Patti :)

Anonymous said...

more conscious about doing this...Thank you once again for the inspirational nudge!!
Came here today via SHE WHO FLIES!
Artfully Yours...

Anonymous said...

YAY!! Count me IN!!!!

Amber said...

Okay. Oaky okay okay.

I need this.


Leah said...

i'm joining in this time around!! hope you're having a lovely time away! *big smooches!*

Bea said...

Count me in please.

Andrea Eames said...

I learned about this through Creative Every Day :) I'm in! Thank you for the inspiration.

maggiegracecreates said...

i want to play. i have added you to my google reader list - this is just the encouragement i need for the next few weeks - thank you.

Jules at 7-Imp said...

Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast is going to play; we'll post later this week. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

what a lovely, exciting idea.
i'm in :)

Anonymous said...

hi jessie,

i saw this on other blogs last year, but don't know why i didn't participate as it is it a wonderful project! guess i was either too preoccupied with something else or perhaps not ready?

at any rate, i'm glad that you are revisiting it again & this time, i'm joining!

:) mary ann

Jone said...

I found your blog via the 7-IMP blog and will join in this "Be Brave" adventure. Love it!

Kimberly/lectitans said...

I came from 7-Imp as well, and I'll be joining you!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am SO going to be brave from now on. LOVED reading your blog! So inspiring...