Sunday, March 13, 2005

coffee, cigarettes, tea, wasa crackers, water, pizza, pretzels, and malia kofta...

... and still only 6 pages. Another full day down the tubes. I continue, or quit and hope for a fresh mind in the morning? I fear that the last page might take me another full day if I put it off. I fear everything that I have is garbage if I continue.

But the best part of today... was picking fights with Vinny about sun-block and vitamins and whether or not a spray-tan would turn me orange. It was nice to focus on something other than my essay. But when we ran out of things to be ridiculous about he sent me back to my room.

Here I sit. Waiting for something good to happen.

97 degrees in Texas today. 50 miles from the airport is the Padre Islands. We'll be there in less than an hour once the plane hits the ground. Bare feet in the sand.

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